Campus leaders at small to mid-sized independent colleges and universities need to make use of current higher education research in order to lead strategically, but they have limited time to read, analyze, and absorb the conclusions of the large number of relevant articles and books published each year. The Council of Independent Colleges’ (CIC’s) Research Digest, published since 2016, presents summaries of important research and distributes them electronically to presidents and cabinet officers at all 658 member institutions.CIC requests a grant in the amount of $90,000 to be used over approximately three years (2021, 2022, and 2023) to prepare and publish the CIC Research Digest three times each year. CIC proposes to make the Digest more reader-friendly, to make future and past issues searchable, and to market more aggressively and broadly in order to serve a larger audience more fully. Campus leaders will find the Digest even more helpful in decision-making, more will be encouraged to make use of current research, and a new audience of graduate students and scholars in higher education will benefit from this work.
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