Robert “Bob” Arnold, MD recently received the inaugural Award for Excellence in Education and Training from the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM). According to AAHPM, this new award “recognizes, encourages, and rewards an AAHPM member who has enhanced the practice and profession of hospice and palliative care through education.” In making the award selection, AAHPM also places an emphasis on educators who have not only expanded patient communication but also stimulated the personal and professional growth of others.
Dr. Arnold is the Chief of the Section of Palliative Care and Medical Ethics at the University of Pittsburgh, and AVDF is proud to support his work with a grant to the ExPERT project. The ExPERT project is co-led by Dr. Arnold and Dr. Yael Schenker through the University of Pittsburgh’s Palliative Research Center. Through the project, Drs. Arnold and Schenker are working to expand the diversity of the palliative medicine workforce by partnering with minority serving medical schools to offer training, resources, and mentorship to faculty and students interested in the practice of palliative care. Through his work on the ExPERT project, Dr. Arnold has exemplified the characteristics that garnered him the first ever AAHPM award for Excellence in Education and Training. He has led train the trainer sessions for faculty at the partnering medical schools, he has mentored medical trainees from minority backgrounds, and he has shared his knowledge about patient communications and palliative medicine.
AVDF congratulates Dr. Arnold for this recognition of his work to advance the field of palliative medicine through education and training.
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